Thursday, June 3, 2010

So many exciting updates (sort of)

The reason it's been so long since my last post was because I basically gave up on I got to the point one night where I decided I was going to quit the whole thing, admit it was a waste of money and take down my profile. I woke up the next morning to no less than six emails saying I had guys interested in or who had noticed me. Over the course of the day, I got two more, and the next day another two, including a "nudge" from one guy because I hadn't responded quickly. I'd actually never gotten a nudge before, because I generally sign on right away and deal with any notices I get. So it motivated me to give it another shot.

There were two "interested in you" guys.
The first one seemed a little bland. Enough that I read through his profile once and decided to reject him, but wanted to wait until I could update this blog in case there were some good quotes in there. I just went back and reread it, and I'm seriously considering saying I'm interested back. I mean, his problem is that he's boring, but there's nothing else I dislike about him. So I think I'm going to leave it and think about it a little more.

The other guy was actually one I had expressed interest in before, and he reciprocated, so we got to see each other's "Relationship Essentials." His and mine were pretty well lined up, which is supposed to indicate that our values are similar, but it's still pretty impersonal. I decided to send him an incredibly awkward email, basically saying "so...this should be deep, but..." He either laughed or rolled his eyes. Maybe both. Anyway, he sent me an email back that was really nice and friendly. I think the vibe I get off him is very friendly. Since it's the first set of emails it was basically "hey, what do you do for a living?" so nothing too insightful yet. I'll update this as things progress though.

After those guys, I had three in the "noticed you" category.

The first guy is a nerd. No other word for it. He began his profile with "If the ionization-rate is constant, we could really bust some heads - in a spiritual sense of course." It was in quotes, so that's from somewhere, but I don't know where. Also, I'm just barely dorky enough to get it, which means a couple of things. One, he's an uber-geek, and two, it's possible he's smarter than me. The first one, not great, the second one, pretty good. But I don't know. He's a PhD student of some science, but he doesn't say which. He's also about my age. Both of those things work against him as I'm really looking for an older guy with a real job, but he's weird enough that I need to consider him a bit. So we'll see.

Guy two is a hippie. Die hard, live in the trees, play on my guitar while we fight world hunger hippie. I like fighting the good fight or whatever too, but I prefer my feet on some well-carpeted ground. No.
PS, he is also a Protestant turned agnostic turned atheist librarian. That's three no's for him.

Guy three seems pleasant, but generic. I think I'll just wait and see if he initiates contact, and if not, I'm not going to worry about it. But there's nothing particularly interesting about him either.

Then we have the standard matching guys.

Guy 1 hasn't paid and isn't interesting anyway.

Guy 2 seems very similar to me. Like, surprisingly similar. He's getting his Master's in Education, is afraid of heights but likes to try things, so has gone skydiving, rock climbing, and and couple other things. He said he was sarcastic and then actually made an effective joke in his profile, which as far as I can remember, has never been done successfully. Maybe it's just that he has my sense of humor. He's Catholic, and is in the middle of reading a Dan Brown novel, and I just finished one of his books last weekend. I'm definitely going to express interest and see what happens.

Guy 3 hadn't paid. Also, the name he gave was "A"

I think guy 4 is gay and looking for a beard. He says he's very into fashion and jazz, and he wants someone who presents themselves well in public. I think I'll say we have different interests.

Guy 5 has not paid and is Born Again. Really no other information about him is given.

Guy 6 is a good guy, hasn't paid.

Guy 7 is boring

Guy 8 says he's a guitar player looking for a singer to make music with. So I guess I'm out.

Guy 9 hadn't paid, but it always surprises me when I see a black man on the website. It's pretty rare. I wonder if that's because they need less help finding dates or because they just fully see the vague pathetic-ness of these sites.

I never thought I'd say this about a guy, but Guy 10 had too much information in his profile. No, I do not care what your favorite breakfast is. (Or lunch, dinner, or dessert for that matter.) No, I do not care what your favorite pair of shoes is. And no, I do not care even what your favorite beer is. I feel like he's just a talker and it'd be hard to get a word in edgewise.

Overall, productive enough that I'm not giving up quite yet.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I'll be guy 4's beard. If he has money. That seems like a good gig.
