Today, of the 10 profiles I went through, the first 3 fell into that category. Then there was Will. By his pics and his profile, he seemed vaguely ordinary, nothing immediately sending me heading for the hills. Then comes his casual mention of not shying away when "you need to be put in your place," speaking to the potential future girlfriend. So, nice, respectful guy there. Also weird, under profession, he said he was "unable to disclose due to profession reasons." I'm trying to figure out what that means, since first of all, I'm pretty sure you can say that you work for the FBI or CIA or have a cover. Secondly, he lives in Philadelphia, and I have not heard rumor of all that many secret government cover ups going on in the area. Though maybe he's just really good at his job.
Guy 5 was in the no-communication category, though I just love it when guys point out they like eating and movies. Maybe even at the same time for a wild night!
Guy 6 I couldn't figure out, but he explicitly said he was Jewish and looking for a Jewish girl in the match categories, and it always baffles me when I get those matches. It's a site full of people looking, do they really have to match two people who are defintionally incompatible?
Guy 7 seems to only take pictures of himself with his cell phone pointed at a mirror. I understand the difficulty in twisting your wrist to take a picture, but you couldn't try it once? Come on.
Guy 8 seemed vaguely interesting, but generic. I decided to "express interest" just to see if there's more hiding behind the profile. He did say this is his first attempt at the online dating thing, which might mean he hasn't become a member, but we'll see. No harm in trying.
Guy 9 described himself as a bald 28-year-old who lives with his parents. Enough said.
The final guy for the day said he wanted "only opening minded girl," then seemed to not be a member. So that was a no.
I think I normally express interest in one or two guys every time I go onto the site, so this set of choices is about par for the course. We'll see, I'll keep putting up who I find, maybe there'll be a real gem at some point.
I would go for number five, it sounds like you two have a lot in common! Perhaps you both enjoy hobbies as well.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea! I'm glad I inspired you! Maybe if this takes off you can do one for eharmony or something!