As per Ben's suggestion, I'm going to update my profile to try to make it reflect who I am a little better. Because I tried describing myself, and it ends up sounding like every other person there "Hi, I'm nice and funny, trying the online dating scene..." I'm going to try Ben's gimmick. That is asking you guys to finish the sentence "Emily is..." and I'll post a whole bunch of those to my profile. I'm not asking for confidence boosters, I know you would all finish that sentence with "the most awesome person imaginable," but I want it to maybe say something interesting or quirky about me as only friends can. So if you think of something, send it on. Now read on for the long overdue update of the chem guys.
Let me first say that I'm tired of Chemistry, mostly because I don't think I'm very good at it. I have no idea how to message people. I can nudge them, but that seems obnoxious.
This time, my guys started off with one really depressing post about succumbing to social pressures and parental pressures to have kids. Not an enticing reason to go after someone.
Guy 2 - there's really no words. Nothing really in his profile, nothing really at all to say about him.
Guy 3 lives with his parents and is on his third German car. I'm not entirely sure what that means other than his parents are loaded. His pictures are mostly in his room and he's got band posters all around the walls. He seems like a nice high school boy, but I think I get enough of those at work.
Guy 4 was kind of a tough call. His profile was exclusively what he's looking for in his girl, so I don't know anything about him. I think I'll say yes and see if emails reveal anything more.
Guy 5 can be serious but rarely is. But he seems smart and maybe has a similar sense of humor? That or I'm just looking for someone who's sarcastic. Who knows. I'll say yes and see what happens.
Guy 6 had a blog full of puns, but some were actually really funny. He's a 30-year-old lawyer who lives in Wilmington, but I see potential. So yes.
Guy 7 not only had a profile entirely about who his ideal match is, but it wasn't even specific. He wants things like genuine-ness and sweetness. If you're going to use that space to explain what you want, at least put in some sort of fantasy so you really get what you want. Like, long black hair, or something. Just go for it. So no.
Guy 8 did not have that problem. His fantasy woman is a proper lady. Sadly, I do not think that is me.
Guy 9 lives in NYC until June 2011. I have no idea why he's posting a year ahead of time. I guess he's excited about planning the rest of his life.
Guy 10 says that any girl he falls in love with is the luckiest girl in the world. Somehow, I'm skeptical. I think someone needs to take him down a notch or two, but it's definitely not going to be me.
Overall, I think I'm getting bored with these guys. I'm going to try to line up a date or two just to remind me why I'm reading through half of these ridiculous profiles. Also, I really need to figure out how to message them.